
We are music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams

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good things to pay attention to more often

  • the color of trees
  • clouds and how they look different throughout the day
  • the different colors the mornings can have. sometimes it's an orange hue and sometimes pink and sometimes it's too misty to tell
  • pretty color schemes in random places (the trees and your neighbors wooden patio and the color of their car)
  • the states of the vehicles passing you by, dents and scratches and the different trinkets suspended from their rearview mirrors
  • the sound of silence
  • the shadows the lights cast in your home, like how sunset looks different than sunrise, and the shadows the sun casts look different than those of your lamps and candles
  • pretty details in buildings and houses like certain types of windows or doorknobs or archways
  • the movement of things in the wind. flags, leaves, flowers, people's hair and coats Read More »

Reposted from skydelan via tentacleguy